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Yantai Zhongge Textile Import And Export Co., Ltd.
Shandong, China
Principais produtos:Boné, earmuff, roupas para casa, oversleeve, luvas

Company profile

Yantai Zhongge Textile lmnoit & Export Go.was estabished in 2012 and has become a world-renownedTextileCompany We are not only a production factory, but also a supply chain service company with more than 13 yearsof manufacturing experience. We have become the preferred patner of many wel-known brands. Quality, deliveryand price are the code of conduct for every Topcircleperson. Over the past 30 years, generations of Topcircle people have adhered to our corporate culture.Use sinceritly to respond to trust;, use ingenuity to inherit quality, use love to gather new students, use hard work tocreate the future.
